Thursday, 31 May 2012

Dismemberment Plan - "Life of Possibilities"

Dismemberment Plan - "Life of Possibilities"

It makes me feel like a boy is doing something, but it's kinda difficult to him.

It sounds happy in my ears. 

I don't know what the "secret" was.  I know he doesn't know the way.  It makes me think of things that are coming out new.

I like it. 

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Imogen Heap - "Say Goodnight and Go"

Imogen Heap - "Say Goodnight and Go"

I like it. I like it. I do actually. I want that song all over again. Again again again.  I love it.

Note from Mum:  I won't let her watch the video again.  I asked her what the song was about, she looked at me like I was an idiot and said, 'A wind-up toy.'  Lesson learned.

Also, don't forget to leave a comment!  

Jeff Buckley - "Last Goodbye"

Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye

*Fiona does a slow boogie to the intro, then giggles and plays air guitar*

The wife has to leave to somewhere else, and the wife wants to kiss him. Now they're playing instruments in the background. I know what he's singing! I think he has magic, because I heard him saying it.

It makes me think of a boy and a girl who're about to meet, but they're too far from each other and never saw each other. But they wanted to marry each other. It makes that picture in my head.

The music sounds like people and the kids are making music in the background to make their mum and dad happier, but mum and dad couldn't marry each other.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Magnetic Fields - "Sweet Lovin' Man"

Magnetic Fields - Sweet Lovin' Man
I know that song. And I think the sun rises on me everyday. And I think that two people are in love. That's all. And I know that people are traveling away.

The Flaming Lips - "Waiting For Superman"

The Flaming Lips - Waiting For Superman

I thought that people were meeting, but they never saw each other again. That's all. I liked the song at the beginning.

Note from Dad: Fiona got bored here, put the headphones back on my head, jumped off my lap and went to play Spore on her DS. More next time!

Johnny Cash - "I Hung My Head"

Johnny Cash - I Hung My Head

Early in the morning a bored trifle was in a tree on the mountain. I think it fell off his hand. He started running.

Note from Dad: listening to the lyrics of the first verse may help you understand my darling daughter's confusion as to the subject matter of this song.

Led Zeppelin - "Kashmir"

Led Zeppelin - Kashmir

I think he's saying "don't put the sun right in my face", and I think he met the sun. He's getting to meet another person but he never knew them, but he knows his mum will never leave him. He's making music to make her song funner. He knows he's the greatest person on earth.

Onelinedrawing - "Smile"

Onelinedrawing - Smile

It's really happy and fun and they're saying something happy. I think he lost his mum and then found her and she's saying "I love how you smile".

Queen - "You're My Best Friend"

Queen - You're My Best Friend

A HAPPY SONG! I know it's fun. I think they'll live forever, and I think they're singing to their best friend. I think people are singing really happy songs, and there's a girl singing and then a boy. I think it's saying "Oh, I didn't remember you, but now I remember and we're still best friends". I think that the world is kind of changing for them.

Regina Spektor - "Samson"

Regina Spektor - Samson

Did she fall really badly? Did she break up with someone she loved really lots but the other person didn't love her? I think someone had to leave her, and they had to break up really fast.

Radiohead - "Paranoid Android"

Radiohead - Paranoid Android 

Is this in My Little Pony? I think it is. I half like it and it's half sad. I heard it saying "Angel" and I think it's about a person who saw an angel but it was really sad. I think it's about night time in a poor land.